
Here is a step by step guild for those of you tired of looking at the address bar every time you use chatGPT.

open ChatGPT like a pro!
A border-less window with no address bar!

Step 1) If you are using windows, uninstall it and install a Linux distribution! Ha! Just kidding, but unfortunately this will not work on windows.

Step 2) Make sure you have the “Chromium-browser” installed. All thought in theory this process can be made to work with any browser, I’ve only had success with the Chromium version. I really wanted it to work with the “ungoogled Chromium browser” but it was a problem I didn’t feel like pouring 8 hours into.

Step 3) Open a terminal by pressing (ctrl + alt + t). Our first command “cd ~” will change the directory to your home directory. Then we type “mkdir chatgpt; cd chatgpt” into the command line. This will create the directory ” chatgpt” and change your working directory to within it. See below.

Learn how to open chatgpt like a pro!
Learn how to open chatgpt like a pro!

Step 3.5) Now we create the script and set its permissions. This will open a text editor called “nano”. Do not close this window, instead we are going to copy some text into it.

Learn how to open chatgpt like a pro!

Step 4) Copy and paste the following text into nano.


#check if chromium-browser is running

if ! pgrep -f "chromium-browser" > /dev/null; then
    /usr/bin/chromium-browser --disable-gpu \
    --app= & 2> /dev/null

Step 4.5) You’re screen should look like this:

Step 5) Hold ctrl down and press S and then press X to save and exit. You should now be back to your terminal and Linux should be ready for your next command. Here is the moment of truth, type ./ and hit enter. You should see a window pop up and load’s website. If you did, congratulations.

Step 6) You could stop here, and every time you wanted to run your chatgpt in a sleek window, you could navigate to this folder and type ./, but that is the fun in that? lets make an alias for this command and then, all we will have to do is type chatgpt in our command line, anywhere on the system and it will run! This is easy to do.

Step 7) change your directory back to ~ and then type nano .bashrc to open the configuration file for bash. Its also a good idea to make a copy of .bashrc before editing it. You can do this with cp .bashrc backup_bashrc command. This should be done before editing .bashrc with the nano command.

Step 8) Type the following snippet into nano , at the bottom if there is any code. .bashrc is often blank on new systems, so if your file is empty don’t freak out!

Step 9) if you want to use another command to call chatgpt besides ” chatgpt ” change it now. For example, instead of the above, you could type alias sexygpt=”~/chatgpt/” to call chatgpt in your terminal with the command sexygpt! When you are satisfied press ctrl S to save, and then ctrl x to exit.

One final thing that I like to do to my window, besides resizing it, is right click on the tiny header at the top and click “always on top”. This gives it more of a permanent terminal feel. I am always using chatGPT so it feels nice to have a potion of my screen dedicated to ChatGPT!

Learn how to open chatgpt like a pro!
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